
EHST complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act by providing physical accessibility, accessible seating, assistive devices and technologies, clear communication, and an equitable business model. The Theater has a commitment to continually assess and improve its accessibility policies and practices.

  • A sidewalk curb ramp allows for drop-offs in front of the theater building, which is covered.
  • The theater building has an on-grade entrance.
  • The theater’s main entrance doors are automated.
  • The State Theater and Greenstone Cinema are both handicap accessible, on one level, without steps at the entrance or exit.
  • Bathrooms have ADA stalls.
  • The paths of travel to the auditorium from the lobby do not have steps.
  • Event spaces (e.g., the lobby and the space in front of the State Theater stage) as well as public spaces (e.g., restrooms) are accessible.
  • Both theaters have wheelchair and companion seating.
  • The State Theater has special seats that allow someone in a wheelchair to transfer to a theater seat.
  • The State Theater has an open space flat pad with railing for people in wheelchairs.
  • The theater offers free admission to PCAs who are accompanying their client(s).
  • EHST makes available hearing assistive devices and closed captioning devices in both theaters.
  • EHST ensures theater staff is available to assist patrons with the equipment before, during, and after the showing of a movie or program.
  • The theater makes known its policy regarding service animals with signage, ensuring that patrons with disabilities are aware of their rights to bring service animals into the Theater.
  • The theater has two ways for patrons to provide feedback on the theater’s accessibility: through a physical Suggestion Box and via an email link on social media sites.
  • EHST’s $7 regular ticket price is an intentional business model that allows for more equitable admissions.
  • The theater provides outreach to the community by providing free or discounted tickets and concessions to specific populations (elderly, children, disabled).
  • Transportation is provided by the theater to some events (e.g. Ely Film Festival) and by some of our partners for their populations e.g., Ely Community Resources (children); Carefree Living (elderly/disabled); Minnesota North College – Vermilion (college students).

The Theater has a commitment to continually assess and improve its accessibility policies and practices, including the following:

  • Replace closed movie captioning & audio description equipment.
  • Provide modular seating that can be arranged differently for different events and different audience.
  • Provide outreach to veterans.
  • Ensure diverse seating options (e.g., 2-4 bariatric chairs with armrests, 750-lb weight capacity for large and elderly audience members).
  • Provide a gender-inclusive restroom.
  • Clearly outline procedures for safely evacuating patrons with disabilities in the event of an emergency
  • Ensure our website and promotional materials are accessible; provide alternative formats for printed materials upon request.
  • Provide access information in all theater communications and across all platforms.
  • Provide ASL interpreter at events.
  • Increase transportation services.

Further Resources:

Ely’s Historic State Theater (EHST) is committed to creating equitable and accessible arts spaces. EHST’s board of directors and staff are dedicated to making the theater and the arts accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities.